Electrician engineer running, mains power cables, circuits, lighting, low voltage to high voltage cables, we can chanel, case, trunk the cable to meet your sites requirements and/or asthetic offering our service in any office, retail, warehouse and /or factory premise.
- labour only
- tools and ladders upto standard celling height
- consumer box install
- power cable running
- mains cable chaseing
- cable chaneling
- health and saftey
- self cert
- travel to site upto (150miles)
- RAMs
- project management
- schedule
- qualified electrian
- fully insured
- Site Audit Pro report
clients requirements
- provide site plans
- ensure area is clear/workable for our engineer/s
- access is given to agreed required locations on site.
- person to report to
- address of location
- open/ access times, dates/days